Student Check Points

In addition to meeting all the Ph.D. requirements of your home department or program, students in the Materials Science and Engineering Ph.D. program need to meet the following requirements:

1. Select an interdisciplinary mentor: In consultation with your advisor, you will select an interdisciplinary mentor who will provide expertise and/or resources that enhance the interdisciplinary nature of the materials science and engineering research. The aim is to provide the student an interdisciplinary perspective to benefit the aims of the materials science and engineering research. To see interdisciplinary mentors of current MSE students, visit the Current Students page.

The interdisciplinary mentor is a faculty member who will provide expertise and/or resources that enhance the interdisciplinary nature of the MSE research. The mentor does not direct the student's project. Research direction is still provided by the student's advisor. The level of interaction with the mentor is decided by the advisor and student in consultation with the interdisciplinary mentor. The aim is to provide the student an interdisciplinary perspective to benefit the aims of the MSE research. The interdisciplinary mentor can change during the student’s research and studies. There is no restriction on the number of mentors. 

2. Submit your research overview: When your research is defined, submit the one-page, faculty-approved research overview to the MSE staff Students must have their research approved within their first three years of study. 

Please use this research overview template (docx). You will be notified by the MSE staff after the MSE Steering Committee has reviewed your overview. The Committee meets approximately four times per year for this purpose, so you can submit at any time during the year.

If you weren’t admitted to ND in the MSE program, your department will transfer you to the MSE curriculum upon approval of your research overview by the Steering Committee. However, you remain a student in your department!

Note: Submission of the research overview is not needed for those students who enter the program upon being awarded a MSE Ph.D. fellowship, as the overview is required as part of the fellowship proposal. 

3. Complete MSE course requirements: You will receive an annual course update after the end of the fall and spring semesters from MSE staff regarding your progress toward meeting MSE course requirements.

4. Submit your oral candidacy materials: Submit your candidacy materials and Candidacy Exam Materials Statement to the MSE staff at the same time you send the material to your committee. The MSE Steering Committee reviews your material to ensure your research is still aligned with the research outlined in your research overview (Step 2 above). For fellowship students, your interdisciplinary mentor is expected to be part of the examination committee, which includes both the candidacy and defense examinations. For all other students, having the interdisciplinary mentor as part of the student’s committee is optional.

  • Please use the cover page and statement templates available on the Forms page.
  • Your MSE course requirements must also be fulfilled at this point in order for the MSE DGS to sign off on your Application for Admission to Doctoral Degree Candidacy form.
  • Note: It is expected that the research overview (step 2 above) will be approved by the Steering Committee prior to the student going for their oral candidacy exam (OCE). Students that go for the OCE within their first three years and do not have their research overview approved must submit the research overview along with the OCE materials to the committee at the same time for consideration.

5. Submit your dissertation materials: Submit your dissertation and Dissertation Exam Materials Statement to the MSE staff at the same time you send the material to your committee. The MSE Steering Committee reviews your material to ensure your research is still aligned with the research outlined in your research overview (Step 2 above). For fellowship students, your interdisciplinary mentor is expected to be part of the examination committee, which includes both the candidacy and defense examinations. For all other students, having the interdisciplinary mentor as part of the student’s committee is optional.

  • Please use the cover page and statement templates available on the Forms page.

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